Chiropractic: The Path to Wellness

Healing through chiropractic care.

Chiropractors are trained to recognize if a joint has decreased motion or is "restricted", which can lead to dysfunctional movement patterns and eventual injury. When joint restrictions have been identified, the chiropractor will often apply a gentle, manual force to the area of limited motion. This helps to restore normal, healthy joint function and reduce associated tissue dysfunction. Chiropractic care can provide relief from back pain, headaches, neck pain, and other conditions stemming from the musculoskeletal system, improving overall health and wellness.

There are many different adjusting techniques in the world of Chiropractic. At Sunnyside Chiropractic Dr. Brian is thoroughly trained in a variety of techniques, including both manual and instrument adjusting. Diversified technique simply means that the doctor employs a variety of adjusting procedures to restore joint motion dependent on the patient's condtion and/or preferences.

With Thompson Technique, the chiropractic adjustment is performed on a table in which the supporting cushions drop approximately one centimeter when a thrust is applied to the spine. This is an effective way of ensuring a gentle adjustment for the patient with no twisting or "cracking".

Instrument adjustments are an even more gentle way to precisely perform an adjustment delivering a light-force, high frequency impulse to aid in restoring joint motion.


Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to be one of the best methods to reduce symptoms arising from the musculoskeletal system including the spine and all extremities. Spinal adjustments, when properly administered are safe, comfortable and effective.

Dr. Brian Michaux

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Sunnyside Chiropractic

15388 24 Ave, Unit 106,
Surrey, BC
V4A 2J2


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